sales director julian

Sales Director - Julian Diprose

Tell us your name:  Julian, but people often seem to get my name wrong!

What is your role at Stormsaver? Sales Director but I also carry out any design team meetings and CPD presentations that our clients need.

How long have you been with the team? Since 2008

What is the part of your job that you enjoy the most? The diversity of the projects we work on. No two projects are the same and I like the challenge of coming up with something that will work in a difficult situation.

What is your favourite water saving tip?  Only boil what you need. It saves electricity and water.

What is it about rainwater harvesting that excites you? Using rainwater already at your premises  instead of treated water from elsewhere is a no-brainer and it is so easy to do!

Thought for the day? Do what is right, not what is easy.

And finally, a bit of fun. Share a YouTube clip with us that makes you laugh.

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